How are you feeling?
This is your very first step on the Way of Rebirth. Do not let its apparent simplicity fool you into thinking you can skip it. Find a physical journal (i.e., not just a file in a computer) and do your best to keep it safe from other people's curiosity. Look for a book of some sort that may inspire you in your magical work. Do not grab the first old notebook you find lying around, but select your magical journal carefully. Ideally, it will never have been used for any other purpose, nor will it be.
You may decorate or customize it however you like, as long as it helps you see your journal as a legitimate magical implement. By decorations, I mean pictures, illustrations and other design features.
DO NOT use blood or other bodily fluids in an attempt to make your journal "charged" or "enchanted."
DO NOT perform "rituals" or "spells" with (or on) your journal. Be patient, and do the work as it is described here. Avoid looking for shortcuts in your magical development. Go the distance one step at a time.
Update the journal daily, for as long as you find it useful. Note that many occultists keep magical diaries as a lifelong practice, so have the intention of doing it for at least a few years. This is what you will write on your magical journal:
(a) Make a daily record of your dreams, as soon as you wake up. If you cannot remember your dreams, simply write down on your journal that you do not remember, but add "tonight I will remember."
(b) Make a daily record of your feelings. Write down everything you feel each day, your hopes and disappointments, your frustrations and joyful moments. Try to make notes on how other people make you feel. Be honest above all, this is for your own future reference. Do not judge yourself or your feelings, but try to make your record as objective as possible. Act as a scientist investigating yourself.
Perform this record-keeping for at least three weeks before you think about advancing in your training. If you lose interest before three weeks, or if your life seems to be too busy for you to perform the work in this lesson, then take a few days off from it and then restart it.