Colors of the Soul

From now on, you will refine the practices started in the First Series of lessons. For the following week (at least), you will keep making records of your social interactions, affinities and aversions, power status, fairness and empathy principles, and charitable behavior. However, this time around you will add to your records the general disposition of your soul. This system you are studying uses a simple symbolic triad of categories to help you evaluate that general disposition. To begin your understanding of these categories, you will use a color code to classify the entries in your journal. It will be up to your taste and creativity to come up with the method to apply this color code: you may use stickers, different colored pens, etc. Whatever method you choose, you will, from now on, mark each of your journal entries with one of the following colors:


Your general disposition at the time of this record is one of deflation. You may feel low on physical and/or mental energy; lack the willpower to do the things you think you must do; not really feel connected to others; experience feelings of loneliness; doubt your own social or economic value to others; experience your outlook tending toward pessimism and lack of hope; crave solitude and/or quietness.


Your general disposition is one of tranquility and balance. You may experience an affinity for order an organization; feel the need to make plans; favor rational thinking; feel a desire for learning new things; find new reserves of patience and contentment in yourself; value self-preservation and self-improvement; view social life under a pragmatic, rather than emotional, light; question your own ideas and values in order to refine them.


Your general disposition is one of self-reliance and sociability. You may feel an extra boost of confidence; be more inclined to trust others; feel the need to assume more responsibilities and gain more power through them; see yourself as someone who can be a leader or teacher; seek engagement with political and social issues; feel the need to be helpful to others; feel the need to express your ideas and get important issues right.

This week, be alert to your general disposition each day, and decide each night which one of these three categories better corresponds to it. Whenever you feel that your disposition/humor/mood does not fit any of the three categories perfectly (and this may happen frequently), simply add to the definition of the category that seems to be most adequate. For instance, one day you may find yourself with a strong inclination towards physical activities or manual work. You may (this is just a suggestion) decide to add that mood to the third category, so you mark your journal entry RED and add "Inclination to physical activities" to your description of the RED category. By and by, you will develop a personal understanding of these categories: you will make them yours with progressive additions and revisions. Later, you will see how being able to tell which "color" you are "in" can be a valuable resource in magical practice.

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