I.H.C. ROLLING FLYERS - SERIES 01: #001-#010

These loose outlines, sketches, and rough drafts are intended to provide students with suggestions for further research, hints about deeper concepts underlying the magical system, or even challenges and provocations aimed at catching them off-guard. There may be riddles and/or jokes. The Rolling Flyers are a separate resource from the serialized lessons and will be most beneficial to those students who have gone through all the lessons at least once.

Rolling Flyer #001

Human composition

a. Body (organism/health/action)

b. Soul (mind/soul/consciousness)

c. Spirit (will/intuition/mystic union)

Cosmic phases

1. Hyle (matter/energy/space/time)

2. Psyche (images/ideas/fate)

3. Pneuma (will/archetypes)

Aspects of the Godhead


From life (II+III) and light (I+III) the man became soul and mind (b); from life came soul, from light came mind…


This is what you must know: that in you which sees and hears (b) is the word of the lord (II), but your mind (b) is god the father (III); they are not divided from one another for their union is life.

Rolling Flyer #002

Psychic self-defense in social interactions

In interactions with friends, and those with whom you have an equal power relation, you may:

a. Look the other person in the eyes.

b. Listen patiently and speak honestly.

c. Say ‘yes’ more often than ‘no’ to the other person’s proposals and invitations.

d. Project the Virtue of the Third Ruler.

In interactions with adversaries, and those with whom you have an unequal power relation, you should:

a. Look the other person in the forehead, in between their eyes.

b. Use clear, direct language, minimizing the use of figures of speech.

c. Never answer the other person’s proposals and invitations immediately. Take at least a few seconds to consider how appropriate that proposal is to the kind of relationship the two of you have.

d. Keep a defensive, but not tense, posture and neutral facial expressions.

e. Project the Virtue of the Fourth Ruler.

Rolling Flyer #003

On Melanosis

Melanosis is a deep cave in which the soul, like a hermit, will seek its lodging.

It is the time for introspection and isolation from social life. Melanosis begins when the creative, magical energy is spent. Feelings of loss and dejection ensue and may lead to a lasting depression. However, if correctly directed, Melanosis represents the entrance to the interior world. The hermit's eyes will eventually get accustomed to the darkness of the cave, and he will perceive the underground treasures of knowledge surrounding him.

Melanosis is the time to remember that mundane life is an illusion. That death is nothing for one who does not value promises of supernatural rewards. That mortal consciousness is an ephemeral trick of the immortal Mind.

Melanosis is the time to go willingly into the mystery of death and oblivion, with the just hope of emerging from the dark cave unburdened by the baggage of mundane affairs. Melanosis begins with ashes and shadows, but leads to clarity and purification.

Rolling Flyer #004

Syncretism: Rulers and Archangels (Orthodox Christian version)

The first Ruler, who opens and closes the veil over spiritual Knowledge, can be syncretized with Selaphiel, patron of prayer, music and liturgy.

The second Ruler, who protects from Grief and promotes health in every sense, can be syncretized with Raphael, healer of body, mind and soul, and patron of exorcisms.

The third Ruler, who balances desires and sensations for a peaceful life, can be syncretized with Gabriel, messenger of God's Providence.

The fourth Ruler, who gives humbleness and strength to achieve what is just, can be syncretized with Iehudiel, patron of work and self-perfection.

The fifth Ruler, who shines the light of mercy and justice in the heart, can be syncretized with Uriel, patron of learning and faith.

The sixth Ruler, who combats Avarice by fostering a charitable disposition, can be syncretized with Barachiel, patron of God's blessings.

The seventh Ruler, who represents before its siblings the powers of the Godhead, can be syncretized with Michael, champion against evil and head of the archangels.

Rolling Flyer #005

On Leucosis

Leucosis is a phase of clarity and definition. The Hermit is now the Hierophant, sitting on his cathedra, proclaiming doctrines and canonical laws urbi et orbi.

Receiving inspiration from the Mind, the mortal psyche turns to the original opposition of Light and Darkness set in motion by and within the Monad. There appears in the mortal mind the urge to organize reality in terms of polarities: real and illusory, good and bad, unity and separation, etc.

In the mortal psyche, the perceived polarities and the emotional values attached to them form the basis of personality, determining what one will have affinity or aversion to.

In turn, the personality (re)constructed according to these values will project itself as the mortal soul’s personal reality. There is a dynamic feedback loop between a personal psyche, its individual reality, an the shared realities created by interacting with other individuals.

Rolling Flyer #006

Shining Idol of the Lake

A long time ago, there was a village of fishers and boat builders by the shores of a calm and deep lake. One day, the villagers started to notice a strange light shining deep in the lake. No one was able to explain where that light was coming from or why it had started shining, so one of the villagers decided to dive to examine it up close.

Diving to the bottom of the calm waters, the fisherman found that it came from a small statue that was firmly lodged among the rocks. It seemed to be made of glass, and emitted a soft but far-reaching glow. The fisherman reached for the small statue, and at the moment he touched it, it began to speak in his mind. In a fleeting moment, and without words, the glowing statue told the fisherman about the origin and purpose of his village, things that had been forgotten by its residents. Startled by the dramatic revelation, the fisherman almost inhaled some water. His hand released the statue, the flow of wordless ideas in his mind stopped. He quickly swam back up, to tell his fellow villagers about what he had found.

As soon as he emerged, the fisherman started to tell his neighbors, who had gathered by the lake, the things he had learned from the glowing statue. His words, however, could only carry part of everything his mind had been flooded with. It was clear to him that he needed to dive back down and receive further communications from the shining idol. All day he spent diving and reemerging, one moment in communion with the strange wordless voice from the deep, another moment trying to convey to his neighbors what it had told him.

With regret, he perceived that he was becoming tired as night approached, and soon would not be able to keep swimming up and down to deliver his messages that day. That was the only way, though, as the statue was immovable among the rocks at the bottom of the calm lake, and he could not possibly shout to his neighbors while under water.

Such is the story of prophecy.

Rolling Flyer #007

On Iosis

The Hierophant is now a Juggler, out in the streets performing his art. The juggler captures the attention of passersby and uses the tricks of its trade to entertain, surprise and please the crowd with perfect confidence and dedication. Iosis is the time for using the proper art to connect with and shape realities.

Light conceives, Life designs, and Good embodies. Such is the work of continuous creation of the Godhead. The mortal soul who can know itself, focus on its necessary qualities, and project itself onto the world is on its way to realize the magical will. Iosis is the phase where the Juggler is ready to perform.

During an Iosis, the notions of polarities and continua evolve into the concept of simultaneous multiplicity. The Juggler does not think in terms of holding one object while rejecting another, but keeps them all dancing in the air to grab whichever one is needed. The mortal soul now knows there is no real way to completely overcome the Tormentors in its lifetime: in fact, to believe that a Virtue has completely eliminated a Vice is a trick one plays on oneself. To be alive is to be bound to the cosmos with the energies of the Zones, and always vulnerable to the powers of the Tormentors.

Rolling Flyer #008

Daily Affirmations

There are those who respond very well to the style of daily ritual involving affirmations found in certain Rosicrucian, New Thought or Christian Science adjacent practices. For this reason, this RF provides such daily affirmations based on the powers of the Rulers as presented in our IHC system. These affirmations may be used in many ways: as the subject of morning meditations, as little vows that are renewed daily, as devotional speech directed at the Rulers, and may even be incorporated into the magic Rites. Those who see value in such affirmations will certainly find ways to make good use of the ones provided here.

First Ruler: Knowledge

I will see God in everything and everyone—including myself. I will keep in mind that there is universal coherence around God, and universal cohesion in the line of emanation from the Godhead to the Cosmos and to my mortal soul. I will cultivate Hope and avoid Envy, knowing that material things are nothing compared to the treasure of knowing God—and becoming known by God.

Second Ruler: Joy

I will see life in this world as an inexhaustible source of fun and a wondrous adventure, and I will protect these gifts with Prudence. I will not hold on to suffering and sadness, but allow them to pass and expect the speedy return of happiness. I will cultivate Hope and avoid Rashness, knowing that the greatest source of grief are the desperate actions of one who has lost their trust in providence.

Third Ruler: Temperance

This day I will see this world as brimming with pleasures for the senses and love for the soul. I will find the proper measure in all desires, the middle path between all extremes, and be guided by simplicity in all my thoughts, words and deeds. I will cultivate Faith in my birthright to the treasures of life, and avoid the Malice that urges me to greedily take what I can, while I can.

Fourth Ruler: Fortitude

In all my interactions with other beings this day, I will be patient and accommodating as far as it may be reasonable. I will not impose my own preferences or opinions on others, nor will I engage in disputes with anyone, but instead keep in mind that all were born to collaborate with each other for the same goal. I will cultivate Faith in universal kinship and avoid the Malice of tyranny which goads me into arrogance and power struggles.

Fifth Ruler: Justice

This day I will keep in mind what is fair and use my best judgment regarding truth and justice in all my social interactions. I will not be swayed in my judgment by personal affinities or aversions and will not allow my fear and my anger to make decisions for me. I will cultivate Love and avoid Anger so that I may follow righteous wisdom instead of egocentric entitlement.

Sixth Ruler: Generosity

I will do my best this day to be a purveyor of gifts to all who come in contact with me, according to my ability to perceive and provide for their needs. The charities of word, thought and action will be my wards this day against the insidiousness and shortsightedness of selfishness. I will cultivate Love and avoid Guile, knowing that the one who holds on to personal gain is being tricked by the torment of Avarice.

Rolling Flyer #008

Chocolate Hermes

Willy Wonka created his whimsical factory for children, as he himself is, in a way, a child. He invited children into this world of dreams come true and satisfaction of desires, but they were misled by the same desires the factory was created to realize. One demanded too much, another wanted to make their own rules, etc. And they all suffered in consequence of that. But they were ultimately fine, since they were the reason why the factory was made in the first place; in a way, they were as much the creators of the chocolate factory as Wonka was. Wonka, the factory, and the kids only exists in relation to each other. Father, Cosmos, Man. So yea, we can ask for things that are already around us with different levels of vehemence, but in the end the one who can get it all is the one who can give it all up.

Rolling Flyer #009

Communication from the intelligence E--

Most of us have speculated on how different our lives would be if we had the ability to go back in time and make different choices, as if revising the rough draft of life into a polished work of personal history. In a moment of melanosis, when life seemed to me to not be going anywhere and I wished I could revise it in that way, I sought the counsel of the Rulers about the issue. The intelligence I contacted (who uses the name of E--) made a strong impression of rationality and levelheadedness. Its logoic gift was received as a firm attempt to dismiss misconceptions and reorient my motivations. It was the hour of Venus. The Sun was in the Decan day 29.10; the moon was in the lunar month day 29 of 30, in Mansion 22, in Capricorn.

The logos received was of the following nature:

That going back in time is impossible, and furthermore undesirable.

That the past exists only in memory, as phantoms, and is not a place, i.e., a location that can be visited.

That even if it were possible to rewind time and make life's choices again, any attempts to revise the thread of life would have unpredictable results, since no one can be sure of the consequences of every single gesture performed and every single word spoken. Being unpredictable, it is impossible to ascertain that such a revision would turn out to be any better than the result originally obtained.

That even if the mistakes of the past could be corrected, in this process many of the things originally done right would also be erased.

That the currents of fate are not exclusive to an individual, and that it would be selfish to so deeply affect everyone else's lives for the sake of retracing a few embarrassing missteps.

That my real trouble behind the desire to revise the past is one of dissatisfaction with how arid life seems to be. The present, under the state of melanosis, seeming to be poor in material and sensorial riches, points to a past of unfortunate aspirations and decisions that resulted in such a disappointing state of things. However, all this despondency really results from a failure to recognize the greater pleasures of life, which are called small by those trapped by the Guile of the Desires.

The intelligence using the name E-- left me with a final impression of encouragement and of calling me back to my senses.

Rolling Flyer #010

Communication from a wise-looking intelligence

This day was one of intense Leucosis. The energies of the Zones seemed to loosen their grip a little, leaving me more room to see the world clearly, and allowing me more freedom to choose rational thoughts. In my communication this day, reaching for the propitious secretarial function, I contacted an intelligence under the Sixth Ruler, appearing under the guise of a senex figure and accompanied by an ox, which was covered in holsters and bags as if carrying a considerable amount of cargo on its back. The intelligence contacted did not offer a name to be called by and spoke nothing beyond the strictly necessary. It was the hour of Jupiter. The Sun was in the Decan day 29.2; the moon was in the lunar month day 11 of 29, in Mansion 11, in Leo.

The logos received was of the following nature:

That the Sixth Ruler had accepted and supports my petition for help with mundane work.

That my doubts about certain future events relating to professional matters are unfounded, and that I should not worry about them.

That some other personal matter I brought up was beyond his purview.

That his ox was called Meteimorphiz.

The senex figure departed, on his own account, on the way to the market.
